Our vision is to bring an Experiential Approach on creating Change within organisations

Attitude Change. New behaviours for your teams and professionals

Our manifesto: We are providers of Change

We believe in Attitude. Because Attitude towards any situation sets the mind in how to respond and find the best solution.

We believe in People's Growth. With a change in attitude, a change in the growth rate will happen. And furthermore, this Change will spread into the organisation. The environment, your culture, the speed to perform, these all depend on your people's growth rate.

We can track it, we can monitor it.

We can provide Solutions for Changing the Attitude inside your Organisation.

Our Methods

We deliver Experiential Workshops that invite the mind of the audience into a game. We use these engaging experiences to fully get everyone on-board for Change.

We use Team-Coaching based on those experiences with and ICF certified Coach at PCC level with more than 1500 hours of coaching within corporate environment, and anchor the mindset and the learning experience on a specific new path.

We address the reasoning and the feelings in this process by creating an integrative experience that will last more than the usual training programs.

Our approach is based on scientific principles from Change Management and Psychology.

The core of our beliefs is that sustainable change is based on understanding and willingness. In change management these stages are referred to as "Awareness" and "Desire for change". We believe that the most important one is the "willingness to change" and our solutions address this key for change. We see so many people who set the goals to be achieved, by them or by others, and still do not allocate the energy for action. We provide workshops that change this energy in the room: willingness to change.

This way, the Attitude becomes the first pillar for the desired change. And the most sustainable one.

We offer alternative learning. Fun, engaging, focused on the integral being of people, enforced by coaching methods that change the awareness and the desire for new business behaviours first. We work with one of the top Coaches in Romania with dedicated experience in corporate environments within different industries: more than 1500 hours of Leadership coaching, Team coaching and Attitude Change coaching.

To learn more about our methods, schedule a meeting. And we will offer in depth understanding of our methods, our learning models and on how we can create sustainable change for your company.